Approved Minutes
Friends Foundation of BCHMCPS Auction Meeting Minutes Tuesday, April 05, 2011 at BCHMCPS
Executive Board Members present- Jodi Conway, president, Traci Wyse, vice president, Nicola Stacy, treasurer, Melissa Caughey, corresponding secretary, Kate Fredericks, recording secretary
Members present-Tara Bedenkop, Rich Nelson, Leah Rogers, Lynn Scotti, Andrea Wood
Distributed items- Auction meeting agenda, Friends of BCHMCPS-2011 Auction Volunteer list, Description of Responsibilities for the Auction committees
Jodi Conway opened the meeting announcing the new date and location of the Auction. The Auction will be held Thursday, May 19, 2011 at the Paddock restaurant in Hyannis, MA. The location was changed from the Hyannis Golf Club due to an inability to negotiate a contract with an acceptable price. The date was changed because of vendor conflicts. Save the date announcements were discussed at the 2/15/11 Auction meeting, but will not be sent out because of the short time between the contract with the Paddock and the date of the event.
An invitation to the Auction was available to view and proof. Invitations will be printed by this Friday and will go out next week. Families of incoming kindergarteners will be invited. If anyone has additional people they would like invitations sent to please contact Andrea Wood at
There will be a walk through at the Paddock on 4/7/11. Anyone interested in attending the walk through contact Jodi Conway at
Jodi Conway reported on the Donations Committee. Jodi sent a list home in backpacks last week of donations to date. Anyone with donations can contact Jodi at
Leah Rogers reported on the Class Basket Committee and the Decorating Committee. Leah sent a flier home in backpacks today regarding Class Baskets. Leah discussed using the Class Baskets for the table centerpieces.
Andrea Wood reported on the Printing/Mailing Committee. Andrea got an estimate for printing Auction invitations from the Business Center of Cape Cod. It will cost $312.00 for 500 invitations. Andrea will have 600 invitations printed.
Tara Bedenkop reported on the Set-Up Committee and Check-In Committee. Traci Wyse will get clipboards for the bid sheets, and Andrea Wood will provide the bid sheets. Tara will make nametags after receiving the list of attendees.
The Balloon Pop Committee was not reported on. The goal is to have at least 65 balloon pops for the Auction.
Future Auction Committee meeting- Wednesday, May 4, 2011 7pm at BCHMCPS
Respectfully submitted,
Kate Fredericks, Recording Secretary
Friends of BCHMCPS Auction Meeting Minutes, Tuesday, February 15, 2011 7pm in BCHMCPS teacher’s room
Executive Board Members present-Jodi Conway, President, Nicola Stacy, Treasurer, Melissa Caughey, Corresponding Secretary, Kate Fredericks, Recording Secretary
Distributed items-Auction Meeting Agenda, Member Meeting Minutes from 1/22/11, Friends Foundation of BCHMCPS “Dear Local Community Member” donation letter with tax receipt including tax identification number, Friends of BCHMCPS-2011 Auction Volunteers list with committees
Jodi Conway opened the meeting thanking the attendees for volunteering themselves for the 2011 Auction to be held 5/20/11 at the Hyannis Golf Club.
Chairpersons are needed for the Sponsor Committee and the Balloon Pop Committee. Each committee will schedule their own meetings, and the committee chairperson will report activity to the Friends liaison assigned to represent that committee.
Melissa Caughey and Andrea Wood will put together an invitation letter.
Invitations and save the date cards were given to Andrea Wood. There was a discussion about handwriting the invitations. Jodi Conway was not in favor of handwriting the invitations.
All committees should submit budget proposals by the next scheduled Auction meeting 4/5/11 7pm at BCHMCPS.
Dave DiLorenzo, professional stand-up comedian and Director of Business Development for the Cape Cod Cubs, has agreed to MC the Auction at no charge.
The menu has been selected, and the food cost is between $12.00 and $18.00 per person. Tickets for the Auction will cost $25.00 which is the same cost as the 2010 Auction.
The Auction fundraising goal for 2011 is $25,000.00.
During a brainstorming session several ideas were discussed. No formal decisions were made regarding the ideas, and they are up for further discussion. The ideas were the following- publicizing the Auction on the Barnstable Patriot “Blackboard,” advertising the Hyannis East Window item prior to the Auction, sending evites for the save the date, class baskets, a 50/50 raffle, and giving complimentary Auction tickets to retiring BCHMCPS staff.
Future Friends Foundation of BCHMCPS Auction Committee meeting- 4/5/11 7pm at BCHMCPS